25th May 2006

After our close-run thing with the Fleshrippers I felt like learning some new, more powerful spells, but we’re frelling miles away from the nearest arcane tutors. Soon new, powerful secrets will be mine, oh yes, soon enough... I performed an elaborate ritual and conjured a portal to the Twisting Nether, sending Abraxas through to see what secrets he could learn. It took him a good 24 hours but upon his return he seemed invigorated, somehow stronger and more experienced. I rejoined my friends, who’d been good enough to wait for me, and we found the cliff edge from which we were to descend in to Moonbrook.

As we prepared we were startled by a Moonbrook patrol, but the Defias traitor helped us talk our way out of a fight, and after they resumed their patrol we let out rope and started our descent. Carefully we all climbed down onto the roof of what the traitor claimed was the mine entrance building, and swung in through an open window. Dace went off to scout, finding himself on a railed walkway around a large, open, deserted hall below. At one end of the place mine-cart tracks ran into the mine entrance and out of sight. He announced that it was all clear, so I opened the door next to me, only to find a man at his desk, writing. He obviously hadn’t checked this room, then.

Before the surprised man started asking questions I ensorcelled him with my powers, but as I started to formulate the cunning questions which would give us all the information

we’d need Dace burst through the other door and shot him in the chest. The man staggered back behind me, pleading for my help, not realising we were part of the same team, but Dace didn’t seem to pick up on my subtle signals to cease attacking and shot him again in the head. Gah. Humans. Always so violent. At least Metrius was able to stop the man from bleeding to death and we let Dace take him back to the roof and tie him up where he couldn’t raise the alarm.

We went downstairs to the entrance to the Deadmines and as I stared into the dark, yawning hole in front of us I felt like I was peering all the way down to the fiery pits of hell where Thermaplugg roasts for all eternity. The demonic figures writhing in the flames... sensing my gaze upon them... burning eyes turning to look back up at me... whispering their promises to me... Eredar begone from my mind!

